PARTITIONSPartitions may be rated for Integrity only (E), or for Integrity and Insulation (EI), with numbers to denote the minutes of protection.
Fire Rated Partitions
Performance classification of fire ratings is detailed in the the European standard EN357 and consists of two main elements:
Fire Integrity – provides a physical barrier to restrict the progress of fire, hot toxic gasses and smoke from one side of the partition to the other.
Fire Insulation – limiting the transfer of heat from one side of the partition to the other, which could otherwise cause ignition of materials on the non-fire side.
We are FIRAS certified
Fire safety is a top priority for any workplace or building that is used by the public. Stringent building regulations are in place to ensure the safety of employees, visitors and members of the general public. If a fire should occur, the building fabric should offer the necessary protection (fire rating) to allow people sufficient time to safety exit the building.
Whether a specific wall should be fire rated – i.e. resist the progress of fire or heat – or not, is a Building Regulations issue. Your local Building Control Officer will be able to advise what the legal requirements are and the level of performance required. Glass Walls and Doors cannot provide advice on this, but we can provide a solution for fire rated screens once you know what you need.
Servicing Zones
Zone 1: Lancaster, Ripon, York, Leeds, Wakefield, Sheffield, Hull, Manchester, Liverpool, Chester, Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Leicester and surroundings.
Zone 2: Carlisle, Newcastle, Durham, Birmingham, Coventry, Peterborough, Cambridge, Ely, Worcester, Gloucester, Hereford, Bangor and surroundings.
Zone 3: Swansea, Cardiff, Bristol, Salisbury, Winchester, Oxford, London, Clemsford, Norwich, Wells and surroundings.
Zone 4: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, Perth, Dundee, St Davids, Plymouth, Exeter, Southhampton, Portsmouth, Brighton, Canterbury and surroundings.
1. Plan your design
Enter details of the simplified layouts into our online calculator to get an overall estimate. If you are happy, email us your complete project details, attach a sketch plus any comments and we will get back to you with a bespoke quotation.